Becoming #RLSimGirl
In preparation for the experiment, I thought it was appropriate to find an alternate identity and establish an online pressence. So I created RLSimGirl, since one of the premises of this project was based on the video game The SIMS. I thought it would be appropriate to fully assume an online avatar. First among my tasks, and probably most importantly, was to establish a Twitter account and obtain as many followers before the experiment. In order to unsure more participation and interactivity within the experiment as it was going on. The more people know about it, the more entertaining it would be to see how people react to having the ability to actually move me through the streets of Deep Ellum. My direction and tasks were only to be solicited via Twitter and I was at the mercy of the people who tweeted me @ #RlSimGirlDeepEllum. RLSimGirl's Twitter page, had a link to Ustream that provided a live feed so that people who tuned in could actually see where they were directing me in real time.
The premise was to become telematically connected within the technologies of which we operate every day. I would put myself as a real life tool to use and act a bridge to a gap that was once never reachable before in terms of being connected.