Being #RLSimGirlDeepEllum
There is much that I will take away from this experiment. For starters, I feel as if there is a serious gap between two worlds of reality and the virtual reality and the mistake that often derives from interlinkning the two so closely. Essentially, there is always going to be a delay in thought and translating that to the masses. Perhaps it is that we are at the sheer mercy of our technology and we have become so distracted by it that we have, speaking in generalities, have basically forgotten our own sense of logic and direction. It was simply too many things going on to handle all of the tasks at once. As soon as I started reading the tweets, and was given a task to do, I then forgot about the fact that there still has a live feed that people were trying to watch and view in real time where and what I was doing. In addition to looking like a technological hobo on the streets of Deep Ellum, I was also drawing negative attention in the sense that people did not neccessarily want to be filmed candidly so avoidance also did play a part within this experiment.
On the other hand, in this experiment I was made very aware of the capability of real time in the sense that it has never really been so obtainable in the manner that it is today. For there were several issues with trying to complete all of the demands requested by people tuning in. However, the simple fact that we were able to interact in such a manner that entertained the idea of immediate is truly astonishing.